Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31st, 2009.. Oh well.

Today is the last day.

of 2009. Then comes 2010. great. cool. blah. Who cares? All that happens is we get to sit around with friends/family and celebrate how another day the same as yesterday is coming.. and that's supposed to be important? I don't get it personally. "Happy New Year!!" You'll probably hear that a couple hundred times today. What does it imply? "Congradulations, you get a new start. Try to make the 365 overall good. Then you can... do it again." Thrilling, really. Okay, so don't get me wrong, I like celebrating stuff. I like sitting around with friends and family. But here's my point: if you're gonna do this "happy new year" thing, make it what it needs to be. Make the next 365 days something you can be proud of. Make them count. Start creating a legacy of your own, starting now, then carry it on throughout the next year. and the next. and so on and so on.. Again, don't misunderstand me. Don't make a list of things to do as your "new years resolution" because everyone knows that it's not going to last much more than a week. Dedicate yourself to what you love and protect it. Care for it. Make this year count. Don't just make it "another year" or look forward to this one just because 2009 sucked. Maybe it did, and maybe you really just want your fresh start, but even if you are, make. it. count. Do something! Don't just watch the news channel as the lights in New York City flash really bright and people are kissing in the streets. Make this year glorious. Carpe Diem: Sieze the day

A brother in Christ,
Cameron J. Clark


Julia said...

Hi Cameron!

Now there's an interesting view on New Year's Eve. :D

BTW, in your blog title, it says "BEHID" that screen instead of behind. You're missing an N. :P Just thought I'd let you know.


The Waldbeser Family said...

You are so much like your brother. I'm sure he is very proud. :)

~your little sis

Frisbee Girl said...

Hey, Cameron, I just have a quick question and I don't know who else would know the answer. Where do I get hangman for the side of my blog? I can't find it anywhere.

Thank you!
Frisbee Girl