Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Guess Who's Back?


I know. I'm gone for a year, expected never to return, not to mention that I've never been a very diligent blogger.  I'm sure that of my current eight followers, only two of you are even going to pay attention to me, but that's fine. I'm back to have fun.

So here's what I'm thinking.

I'm going to be posting about once a week. It may be more than that, and it may be less. I refuse to limit this blog to one themed topic, because my mind can't handle those kind of constraints. You may be seeing a critical analysis of our corrupt Judicial system one day and the very next a short video on why I love chocolate chip cookies. Expect anything.

I've never tried doing this part, but I'm going to try to put my YouTube channel to work. I'll be uploading a video once a month. Please, don't expect much. I've never been in any kind of video-making class or tutorial in my life. I promise the first few videos will be horrible, but hopefully they'll improve over the months!

I'm going to try my hand at photography again. I know that's like a big trend with all the blog/facebook people, or anyone who actually uses the internet. I'll probably be posting a "photo of the week" from the shots I take any given week. Don't hold me to that too solidly though, I will miss many weeks. I promise. Everything I plan on doing here is just for fun, not for any recognition from anyone. I'm writing this to you, but I may not have anyone read this post for a long time! That's okay, because if I post on here again anytime soon, I'll feed accomplished.

In my year long break from Blogger, they've provided new features on this little site. Apparently I can fire off a short text or picture and it'll post it on here! I'll definitely be putting that to work with funny pictures I see and quotes my friends say. Again, expect anything.

Every now and then, I'm going to post a rant on my future. If you want, just skip over it. I'll probably change my mind on half the things I say, but it's fun to dream and share dreams.

Anyway, That's my current plan. Who knows how this blog will look in 2-3 months, but hey, it's worth a shot, right?

Like the new layout? You better. I spent over an hour designing it.

I'm looking forward to this.

PS. I'll use my twitter to post on my blog, so feel free to follow me there @DewesFail.

Numbers 6:24-26: "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace."

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