Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, I Regret That..

I get sucked into idiocy all the time.

And I'm just going to warn you, it's 10:10pm right now and I've been thinking about my life, which oftentimes puts me in a depressed mood.. So I'm going to be writing by the flow of emotion in this post, and I'll probably be sounding like a girl, but hey, I won't be offended if you stop reading here. (actually I will, but why should that stop you?)

For example. Without being specific at all, I've made bad decisions in the past, like everyone else, you know? Well, over that time, I've gotten new great friends, lost touch with old friends, started friendships that weren't very well founded, which I eventually ended, and so on. In the midst of this chaos, I feel like I've learned to appreciate things in life. Like the famous line,
"You never know what you got until it's gone."

Isn't it awful, losing something, or losing someone? Especially if you feel like you could've done something about it. I'm not talking about someone who's lost their life, though I do feel like that's applicable too, I'm talking about someone who is still very much alive, as are you, but your lives, which once intertwined, now continue in different directions. It's a sad part of life. Right now, I feel like people get so caught up in when the next Twilight movie comes out or the next Justin Bieber album or even what they're going to wear tomorrow for school, that they don't realize what's one of the most important things in life: the people around you.

I don't know about you, but I feel like at the beginning of 2010, I had the best friends I could possibly ask for. We were so completely solid, and we'd do anything for each other, and it wasn't just one or two friends like that, it was like 15. (Don't get me wrong, the friends I have now I care about just as much.) Unfortunately, In the summer of 2010, we all drifted apart, and come autumn 2010, we were barely talking. That's what I mean when I say that it's painful to see friends drift from "Oh yeah he/she's my best friend!" to "Oh him/her? Yeah, I know who you're talking about.."

I know this blog is like the cheesiest thing on the planet, and I probably seem like I'm just issuing out my challenges for the week in how to better yourself and your community, but I'm sorry, it's jut the things on my mind. I personally have such major regrets in letting certain people out of my life, and I wish that it hadn't happened. I just want you guys to be aware of how incredibly easy it is to drift from your best friend, especially if it's over something retarded, like summer plans or a girl or anything like that.
Life is short, and God is most important aspect of your life, but the people by you are the second, far beyond the third.

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