Friday, August 12, 2011

GOP Presidential Mess? Yes. But hope to come.

-Deep Breath-


I don't know who else felt like they were watching a bunch of immature children fighting tonight, but I thought candidates for the President of the United States were supposed to be concerned with the issues at hand, not worry about little things that don't matter. An American President has to be made of passion, not the fake mask of it so he can have a two-term presidency. Don't get my wrong people, I'm not so naive to think that all Presidents are made of such qualities or that even 25% of them are; what I mean is that those are things Presidents ought to be made of, and it shames our country, our political system, and our frustrated voters when the majority of the candidates lack the courage to stand up for what they believe.

The debate first went south when Bachmann and Pawlenty started their verbal brawling. Rather than improve their image significantly over the other and disregard their opponent's comments, rise above it, and address the REAL issues at hand, they took the time to go back and forth with their endless insults, until Pawlenty ran out of things to say. I boggles my mind that such supposedly well educated individuals with the leadership excellence they had shown in the past could stoop down to the level of my five and six year old brothers, lashing out at one another until their enemy couldn't return a punch. Very, very juvenile, and I lost a lot of respect for them both, and, according to the polls, so did a large part of the country.

The insanity continued and Mitt Romney tap danced his way through the fiery questions aimed for him. Time and time again, Romney would be asked a fundamental and trivial question and he would repetitively give the same responses Obama did in 2007 and 2008; very vague and insignificant answers. When asked 2-3 times on his stance on gay marriage laws, Romney finally answered that he did not support same-sex marriage, but he didn't believe that it should be illegal. Is it just me, or did that not make sense?

I don't know what's wrong with the men, but Huntsman and Ron Paul were completely high.
First with Huntsman.
Was I the only one who thought he didn't make any sense, but also didn't answer any questions? I think that for about 80% of his responses, he replied with "I'm very proud with myself and the work I've shown as Governor in the past. I've shown leadership, and that's what we need in the White House!"
Sorry bro. I'm not buying that. At first it seemed like he was dancing around like Romney to preserve his image. After all, Romney was the leading candidate. He had nothing to lose by avoiding the questions. Then I realized that I didn't even know who Huntsman was! How could a stranger protect his image? He can't. All that that man did was shoot himself in the foot, especially after calling the China-US communication ineffective, after being recognized as an ambassador to China. What an idiot. I weep for the broken mind of anyone who could vote for Huntsman. He's simply a fail.

Now, let's analyze Ron Paul.
I'm not going to lie, I really liked him for a while there! Then we got into the discussion on Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Somehow, the old Texan thought that wasn't an issue at all, comparing the threat to the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, you know, the US dealt with them and we're fine. Iran will be the same way.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How old is this guy? Old enough to be senile? Think, sir, it's a little more than that. Do realize that the Cold War was a major epidemic in our country and rippled panic throughout the nation for years. Even if Iran doesn't fire, like the Soviet Union, the stress levels will drive America to insanity, not to mention Israel. The President of Iran has repeatedly stated that he wants to destroy Israel, and he doesn't care about who tries to stop him, whether it be the United States, Great Britain, or anyone else. So now where does that put us, Congressman Paul? If Iran decides to nuke Israel, I'm sure we'll get involved. According to Iran, they have no problem blasting through our chest if it means they'll hit Israel in the end. We're not only looking at losing a dear ally, but also going to war, and not like we're at right now. This would be an awful war filled with nuclear weapons and horrors that may lead to our own shores. I don't mean to sound paranoid or anything, cause it's not at all far fetched.
Stop being so naive, Ron Paul. Men that are aware of world news run for President.

So who do we have left? I've already criticized Bachmann, Pawlenty, Romney, Huntsman, and Paul, so that leaves me Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Herman Cain.

Rick Santorum, all in all, did a pretty decent job. He wasn't afraid to answer the questions and he had a lot of passion, too much, I think. When the panel failed to take the time to direct questions toward him, Santorum began to become frustrated, and I think at one point he actually requested a question. Later, when he and Ron Paul were debating foreign policy, he was cut short and, in frustration, continually spoke while Ron Paul was giving his views and opinions. I think Santorum is a great guy and he has good ideas, and I think he was much more logical than Ron Paul, and I wouldn't mind him being in the White House, but I think he needs to learn to control his passion before it turns into anger and he loses his sense of etiquette on national television. Good man, good candidate, but he wasn't too hot tonight.

Newt, on the other hand, was on fire. Every question, even the extremely hard ones, he nailed. Every time he opened his mouth, he continued to sweep people off their feet. I think he'd be a fantastic President; he's smart, he's focused, and he's determined. Unfortunately, he's also behind in the race. His campaign is largely in debt and he doesn't have his foot in the door as well as the other candidates, but if he can pull the rest of the debates in his favor like he has tonight, he may indeed have a chance.

Today I've saved the best for last, at least in my opinion. If you have a Facebook or Twitter and you've looked at my profile recently, you know I love Herman Cain. After tonight, I only like him more. He didn't receive a lot of questions, for whatever reason, but the ones he did answer were very well said. He spoke with conviction and passion, and he stood with the confidence of a man who knew how to use leadership to turn around an economy. Cain did a fantastic job, and he's still my definite favorite. I'm also happy to say that according to Fox News' polls, the general public said he did best out of all the candidates tonight with a percentage well into the 80s. Despite the discouragement from some candidates, I see a hope on board the Cain Train. I'll continue to campaign for him until the election next year.

All in all, the debate was decent. At worst, it was informing. At best, it was refreshing and hopeful to see Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain stand strong before America. We need a leader, and I believe that our hope lies in one of these two men. In any case, I encourage anyone and everyone who reads this to stay informed on the issues and actively campaign for a new President. Our nation is falling apart while candidates of the same party attack each other on national television. We need a solution now.

For me, that's Herman Cain

2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."


Anonymous said...

Hey I dont mean to burst your bubble or anything but if you watch fox news for anything you might as well be brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

Hey so I noticed that you love Herman Cain. He is by far the least experienced, hell he ran a pizza business. Please tell how that correlates with being a good president? He may of created jobs most of which are minumum wage, which in todays terms, are clearly not enough to live off of. Also what does bible verse have to with anything? really? You realize Herman Cain isn't for equality, he frequently discriminates against all other faiths. What are you some home schooled evengelical right wing lunitic? Also do me favor, did you read the bible? You should try leviticus, exodus and dueteronomy. Even the bad parts; it's anti-women, pro genicide, pro-slavery, and hey god seems to believe in witches and wizards. Your god is a total sadistic killing machine, if he's in heaven I don't want to be with him. Not a fan of Bipolar wizard haters, who judges man based on belief without evidence rather then thier morality. Please go outside and stop pandering to Rupert Murdochs agenda and lies. Go watch CNN please

Unknown said...


That's what Obama promised. We've had nothing change overall, except he worsened the economy. America needs real change. Mr. Cain has proposed to run the country as a business, and if you take the time to think about it, rather than think of ways to disregard it, you'll see at least some logic to the idea. Think about it like this: Herman Cain ran a pizza company, you're right, but when he became CEO of the company, he didn't realize it was about to file bankruptcy. Rather than give up or take an easy way out (Cough, Obama?) He fought his way back to the top with common sense principles, and if you look up Grandfather's Pizza today, it's a major, flourishing company. Look at our country. Do the math. I'm not a paranoid extremist that believes the apocalypse is upon us, but it doesn't take a genius to realize the lifespan of this country may come to an end within another decade or so if we don't turn this mess around. Mr Cain did it once with a pizza corporation with hundreds, maybe thousands of employees working across the country, and he can do it again, simply on a larger scale.
About he never holding a political position: Name a few politicians that you respect as people and have made major positive changes in the nation. You could probably count them on one hand, since the first dozen Presidents were farmers, and half the other ones hadn't had much to do with politics before taking office. Personally, I'd rather have someone run the country who has a history of making logical decisions in a stressful environment, because it's one of the biggest requirements to be an effective leader.
Herman Cain is for equality. I suppose you didn't watch the debate on Thursday, one of the questions was on that topic, because he had been thought to slander the Muslim and Mormon faiths. He clarified that in one interview he had said he personally had no problem with Romney being a Mormon, but many southerners do, and that's true. I live in GA and know countless people that won't vote for the man simply because he's not a Christian. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. On Muslims, he said in the debate that he saw a Muslim as no different from any other person, but he doesn't believe Sharia law belongs in our courts. Regardless of where it originated, no new teachings should be inducted into our courts, they should remain unchanging. If that changes, it only opens the door wider for government corruption, with doesn't need encouragement to grow.
I find it interesting that you're attacking the Bible now. I don't know why, but I'm not going to get into a large argument over that, because I don't believe it'd be worth our time. I'd only like to say that this is the United States of America, where people can debate like civilized people and exercise the freedom of free speech. I respect you for your questions and opinions, though I only wish you hadn't been so slanderous. I don't think ill of you in any way for thinking different than I do, and I hope that's a mutual feeling.
Lastly, Fox. I'm not a fan of fox either, and I was disappointed with how poorly they hosted the GOP Debate, but it's a better news channel than CNN in my opinion only because they do their best to present facts without a bious, and they have just as many liberal and democratic talk-show hosts as they do conservative and republican hosts. Again, I don't want to get in a debate on that, I'm just responding to your comment with my personal opinions/beliefs.

Anyway, hopefully there are no hard feelings for disagreeing on these topics, and thanks for reading my blog and ACTUALLY showing interest in it! lol. Anyway, take care, and feel free check back to my blog for more posts if you want.